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Jan 19, 2025

Col. 4:12 has become one of our church's favorite verses that we try and practice each week---Paul tells us three things all Christians could struggle in and Epaphras labored fervently in supplication ---- That we are mature in God's Word, we are confident and complete in how God has made us, and that we are seeking His will. Let's practice this daily


Jan 12, 2025

From time to time, and probably most of us experience moments of "epiphany", where a passage or verse which you may have read many times before reaches and touches you in a very different way. Well, I Corinthians 1 verse 8, was that verse this week. In our Sunday morning services, we are studying in the book of first Corinthians and the word sustain is used- meaning to put yourself on solid ground, guaranteed footing. Paul is reminding us of God's faithfulness to place us on the foundation that will never break. Amen for that "rua"


Jan. 5, 2025

This was our annual business meeting which included a look back at God's faithfulness to Poamoho and looking forward to God's direction in 2025.


Dec. 29, 2024

Many individuals during this will take "inventory" over this past year to see what they accomplish, what they needed to "fixed"and vision cast for new year and beyond. II Cor. 15 instructs us to examine and prove.


Dec. 15, 2024

Let's remember this time about the many individuals that don't realize the pure hope and meaning of Jesus the Christ's birth. Let's share the true meaning of this season. We are celebrating our Christmas this Sunday. Merry Christmas.


Dec. 8, 2024

Today, we started our first part of the Christmas Story, beginning with the Messianic prophecies. Some scholars put the prophecies around 300 to over 500 depending on how you characterize and what the type. Nonetheless, there is irrefutable evidence of all the messianic prophecies have been fulfilled in the New Testament.


Dec. 1, 2024

Continuing on in our study of I Corinthians, Paul is continuing to lay the foundation that will sustain the NT Church. He clearly identifies the power source, which is God, keeping the gospel as the main issue, reemphasizing the importance as the resurrection, and maintaining our humble status to avoid contentions and divisions.


Nov. 17, 2024

Today we celebrated our Thanksgiving Service of God's goodness and faithfulness to our great country, the United States of America.


Nov. 10, 2024

The next time you read and study one of the Pauline Epistles, take notice on how Paul carefully sets up the letter. In Corinthians 1, Paul lay's out the warning about potential divisions and strife that may enter the New Testament church. He structures the letter, just as a construction starts with the foundation, the foundation for the New Testament believers is always start with the Gospel, Resurrection, Biblical doctrine, and praises.


Oct. 27, 2024

The Apostle Paul was instructing the early Corinthian church to make sure that they keep the "main thing, the main thing", which is to keep the gospel of Jesus the Christ as the preeminence of the church. In chapter 1, he list the four areas that we need to keep for the church to be thriving.

Gospel, Power of the cross, do not let the secular thinking pervade the church, and remember all the blessings that God sends.


Oct. 20, 2024

It is always an encouragement and blessing to see how teaches us along our pathway in the Bible. We are starting our journey in I Cor. and we find the Apostle Paul detailing certain perils, but also giving a pathway for the New Testament church to take and mature. I am also a firm believer that Paul is "getting ahead of the curve" with those individuals who put labels to our faith. Paul is very clear that we do not have any listed denominations found in the bible--- and he stresses that we keep the gospel the main thing.



Oct. 13, 2024

In I Corinthians 1, Paul lays out the discussion for the New Testament church to be aware and cognizant of the potential dangers of divisions and contentions that can plague the church membership. Rooted in these warnings is the fact that we have "people", and with people comes the four types that we find in the parable of the soils. We are not to look down or be condescending, but to be ready and prepared for the people that will be in our congregation and to biblically respond.


Oct. 6, 2024

Continuing on in our start of Corinthians, Paul is building the foundation of this book by explaining and warning the church the people that bring contention and division. Matthew instructs us about the four basic types of people in our lives. The "hard hearted" (bitter and angry), the rocky ground (emotional), thorny ground (secular driven) and the fertile ground (godly focused). Where are you?


Sept. 22, 2024

After the apostle Paul opening in his letter to the church in Corinth, the first issue that he address are the divisions and contentions that he has been briefed. Upon further review, we can understand his concern, because in Proverbs, the author there tells us that God hates certain "things', and the first one listed is pride. Pride then as we read on leads to contention, which the church at Corinth was facing.


Sept. 15, 2024

We often challenge our membership, that when you are "out and about", or even at a conference or seminar (especially if is not a biblically based) if there is any truth, it is God's truth. Look in the bible to find the verses or passages and "match" it up. It is always amazing to see how God has incorporated Himself into all things.


Sept. 8, 2024

The more and more as we delve in the Study of Corinthians, the more that God seems to be revealing and exposing our limitations and areas that we have as the modern church has either become complacent or prideful in our sanctification process. Paul as he has stated will not be sparing any words and time to bring us back to the proper worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.



Aug. 18, 2024

We are staring in the last chapter of II Corinthians, looking at the entire picture the "puzzle"- what God expects to have learned in the "hagios" transformation according to Paul. Two areas that Paul instructs us is examine our faith (how do we know that we are saved?) and to prove our selves (are we living in humility or in prideful exuberance?).


Aug. 4, 2024

We are starting a new study for our morning worship, the books of Corinthians. For Apostle Paul, this was the church that Paul had started, so he had a vested interest and desire to make sure that this church was doing "all to the glory of God."


July 28, 2024

As we have completed our Systematic Study in Theology, there were comments about the study from Eschatology, than from any other of the nine doctrines. It appears that Revelations has been a book that most of our members shied away from, but as we looked and ask God to show us this part of His plan, we grew to appreciate and understand more of God's power and sovereign plan for the future.


July 21, 2024

What a journey we have been on in the study of Eschatology. What an amazing plan that God has predestined for this creation and creatures. the copious attention to details that God portrays in the book of Revelation. But, also the wonderful gift of salvation that God sent through His son in John 3:16, Praise the Lord.


July 7, 2024

Today, we celebrated God's faithfulness and goodness of 12 years at Poamoho Bible Church. We have seen God work and provide over the years and we trust that we have been able to properly worship and praise an almighty God and Savior.


June 30, 2024

As we continuing with our in depth Eschatology study, It is a blessing to how God has intertwined the Old Testament and New Testament together with the end times. It has continued to seal our faith and trust in a omnipotent and omniscience God. The details and structure of not only the bible but also how God has planned out everything is simply quite amazing. (Beyond our fallible thoughts and comprehension)


June 23, 2024

The study of bibliology may sometimes be often overlooked of its importance especially of the word "inspired". Godʻs Word is given the inspiration of God himself, he literally has and also will "breathed" into us His own words--- right into our ears and hearts--- stop and think (ruminate) about that.


June 16, 2024

We celebrated Fatherʻs Day as part of our service today. We looked at those male figures that God has placed in our lives to help develop and serve as a testimony of biblical examples for all of us. From Samuel to Apostle Paul, we need to emulate those attributes that bring glory to God.


May 9, 2024

In II Tim.3,  Paul describes the last days as perilous (extremely difficult). We are going to see mankind's depravity like never before... but God also tells us that He will be with us-- this is the word peace which also is translated as "eirene" meaning to be with us. We are at and with peace (God himself) during these last days. God will never leave us nor forsake us-- rest in His peace.


May 19, 2024

Today's message turned to the Day of Pentecost in Acts 1-2. So many directions that can be studied, but we chose the pathway of the the start of the New Testament church and foundation found in Acts 2:42 to be steadfast: in the Bible, koinonia, breaking of bread, and worship. These are the four pillars(mission) that we are given to follow for the New Testament church members.


May 12, 2024

Celebration of God's provision through our mother's and virtuous women. We were left with the following challenge from the very familiar Proverbs 31. This virtuous women demonstrated the following: Agapao (to choose), agape (to give) phileo (her friendship), not only to her husband, family, but also to those in need...... and without expecting anything in return.... wow, praise the Lord


April 28, 2024

Back to Eschatology today- Marriage Supper of the Lamb

Jesus first miracle was at the marriage ceremony in Cana. I tend to think that this may have been done to highlight the importance and significance of the earthly ceremony in regards to the Spiritual Marriage that God has planned for the bride (Christians) and the bridge/groom (Jesus the Christ).


April 21, 2024

The doctrine of the resurrection will also be a clear  point of declaration from the true believer in Jesus the Christ and those that claim to beileve in God without the confirmation of the resurrection. I Cor. 15 will serve as the main text in determing your true beliefs.


April 14, 2024

We challenged our church members today to read and ruminate on the doctrine of Resurrection as found in I Cor. 15. We are reminded that without the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ... our life here on earth would be empty, miserable, and vacuous.


April 7, 2024

Jesus was seen at least 8 different times after his resurrection and each of these situation seem to be part of a "victory tour" that included the following victories: over despair (Mary Magdalene), victory over death (I Cor. 15), and victory over all things (Matthew 28).


March 31, 2024

This year for Resurrection Sunday, our theme was "Tetelestai"- It is finished. Well, if it was finished, was was started? What or who needed to finish it? How was it completed? When was it finished? .... Wow, take a look at Matthew 21-18 and follow the preceeding events to Jesus final statement of "Tetelestai"


March 24, 2024

This is the start of Passion Week for Jesus some 2000 years ago. His passion was to follow in obedience the work of the cross....even unto death... waht is your passion? Would you be willing to lay down your life for another?


March 3, 2024

In Hawaii, we celebrated Girls Day today. We also used the passage of the virtuous women in Proverbs 31. What would we want our young girls to turn into- well, The Virtuous Women. Read Proverbs 31 again...


Feb. 18, 2024

We summaraized Eschatology into the two following categories (designed to hopefully make it a little easier to understand) First, Eschatology has to do with God's taking care of sin in preparation for the very final days of this earth, and second it also deals with God resortation and blessings to follow to all that have believed upon this name. This will come into the form of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and our eternal life in heaven.


Jan. 28, 2024

We took an in depth look into the ordinance that Jesus bought forth in the term on the Lord's Supper. Looking into I Cor. 11 has some very important instructions  on the execution of this ordinance, and the warning of taking the communion in the wrong fashion. Take some time to really study this passage and understand what the Lord wants His believers to know in performing this covenant.



Jan. 7, 2024

For most personal, businesses, schools, etc will often use the the New Year to set and cast their vision and mission statements and PBC is no different.

Our vision has always been from Matt. 28 and to share the gospel, and our mission from Acts 2:42 to remain steadfast in the fours areas of the Bible, Koinonia, Breaking of Bread, and Worship. Happy New Year!


Dec. 17, 2023

It is always an enjoyment to study some of the 500 prophesies covering the birth and life of Jesus the Christ. What a testament it is to God's power and glory that all of these prophesies have been fulfilled impeccably-- only God could do that. The odds on a human level is so astronomical that one mathematician put it at 1 in 10 followed by 157 zeros that even just 48 of these could come true, imagine how zeros would need to be added for all 500 prophsies to come true...... wow


Nov. 26,2023

Part 2 of our Thanksgiving celebrated God's goodness and graciousness to our great country. our founding fathers made sure that we included God as the premise and foundation of each state constitution. I challenge you to look up your State's founding papers and find the reference to the almighty God and creator. Praise the Lord.


Nov. 19, 2023

We celebrated our Thanksgiving service today and used Psalm 100 as our text. I would like to think that the early Pilgrims may have used this passage during their 1621 Thanksgiving celebration. Translating these verses into the Hebrew is a powerful and poignant way to becoming truly thankful not only during this season, but during our day to day worship.


Nov. 12, 2023

Part of the Eschatology in Rev. 16, we find the simple but poingnant word, repent. Part of the tibualtion is that the "people" repent and call upon the name of the Lord. We find this same situation in the Pentateuch with Pharaoh and his refusal to repent and turn his ways unto the Lord.


Nov. 5, 2023

On a recent conversation, the noticeable power and structure that we see in God throughout the study of Eschatology. The amount and attention to detail given in the book of Revelation shows God impeccable work in the prophesies of the Old Testament.


Oct. 29, 2023

As we delve more and more into the end times, God reveals more and more of His majestic glory-and that we are truly blessed to have a Lord and Savior who was willing to save us from ourselves and sinful nature. Part of the tribulation is God's judgment of sin, but also His rememptive and reconciliation of mankind through repentance.


Oct. 22, 2023

We looked at the four horseman from the four seals of Eschatology... which the imitation of the God almightly and the replication of the devil and his temporal triune... but in the end will never hold up against the Lord of Lord and King of Kings.


Oct. 15, 2023

Today we looked at the Crowns that Christians will receive during the Bema Seat "session as part of our faithful service here on earth. The Christian life is not just a life that is lived without any direction, but a life with God's guidance filled with rewards if we follow God's precepts.


Sept. 24, 2023

As we continue our study in the last half of the tribulation- we can fully see and attest for God's wrath upon sin. The seals, trumpets and bowls are the series of end times judgments of God. We often forget God's view on sin and the choice of disobedience that this world has perpeuated. God must now in the end times of the tribulation execute His judgments.... So let's know take care of our sin and share the gospel to the unsaved world.



Sept. 17, 2023

Sometimes the outside world does things better than Christians.... this ought not be... the world should be taking lessons from the Christians. God tells us many times that we should be an excellent and virtuous work. Corinthians instructs us to "run to win" but to do it with self-control. Let's show God's love through the excellence of our work.


Aug. 27, 2023

In our continual study of the End Times and making the way to the tribulation, part of God's plan is too eliminate "transgression". Part of the definition of transgression means to revolt and rebel-- coming from pride- which the Lord tells us in Proverbs 6 that he hates pride... HMMMM



Eschatology and the study of these end times can often be divisssive especially among those that are of the household for faith-- and specially with the tribulation, millenium, second coming, etc. II Timothy insructs us to "study to shew thyself approved unto God." Lets make sure we are "bathed in God's Word and asking for the truths according to the scriptures.


Aug. 6

PBC believes in the pre-tribulation position based on I Thess 5:9, that tells us that God has not appointed us to the "wrath", and with the following verses expositional study of I Thess. chapter 5, God saves those Christians living now from the Seven Year Tribulation. 


July 30, 2023

We often forget the importance of the home, the influence it has and should have on the family. Too often, parents allow the "world" to take precedent in the home... this ought not be... God established the home first back in Gen. and it is our honor and duty to set the foundational stones for our family to live a life that is pleasing and fruitful to the Lord. 


July 15, 2023

In our Ecclesiology  study on Sunday morning worship, we are doing an outline of the home and what the biblical home should look. We are looking at two parallel passages from Ephesians 5 and Colossians 3. Both of these passages start with the preparation of a merry heart.


July 9, 2023

Today we celebrated God's faithfulness we our 11th year anniversary services. We look backed at what God has constructed and look forward to what God has in store for us in His impeccable providence. Praise the Lord.


June 25, 2023

We are starting our study in the theological systematic study of the church (Ecclesiology). Some obvious questions to answer such as the role, function, purpose, and structure will be included in our sessions all starting with Acts 2:42.


June 18, 2023

Today we celebrated Father's Day and those males that have left an impact in our lives. We looked at the fruit of the spirit, long suffering from the father of the prodigal son. However long it would take to see his son's return was however long the father would wait for his son... same as our Father in heaven and his patience with us. Praise the Lord.

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