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Poamoho Bible Church

July 21, 2024

Eschatology Timeline-Part 9

Daniel 9:24-27


70 Weeks: 70 x7= 490 Years

483 Years have transpired- now living in the Gap Period


  1. Rapture of all of God’s Children (Soteriology) I Thess. 4:13-18, I Thess. 5:9

  2. Bema Seat- Judgment for all Christians (Accountability) II Cor. 5:10

  3. Seven Year Tribulation: limited,( Mark 13:19-20)

First 3 and ½ years- good

Last 3 and ½ years- Abomination of Desolation (Great Tribulation) Matt. 24:21

Oppression from Satan,Anti Christ, False Prophet (Beast)

Mark of the Beast- 666

Battle of Armageddon -Jesus second coming -to destroy all of sin

Satan will be bound for 1000 Years- Rev. 20:1-3

  1. 1000 Year Reign – restore all the promises to Israel

Marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7-10)

            Last and final battle- Rev. 20:7-10 Satan released and doomed to Hell

  1. Great White Throne Judgement -Rev. 20:11-15Those that rejected God

Right after the 1000 Year reign, Satan, Beast(Anti-Christ), and False prophet

Lamb’s Book of Life-Judged by your desire or passion (Did you ever “metanao”)

  1. The New Heaven and a New Earth (Rev. 21-22)

Walled City 1500 Miles (cubed), pearly gates, streets of gold, precious stones

No more curse, nor sin, nor evil, nor sickness, not suffering, nor death, nor crying

            Tree of Life-Light of the Lord Himself

            For ever and ever (No more nights)


            Rev. 22:11 Time is ending soon

            Rev. 22:12-14 Reward is waiting for those that have repented and hagios

            Rev. 22:15-16 The world has been warned

            Rev. 22:17 God will quench your thirst

            Rev. 22:18-19 Do not modify this book in any form or fashion

            Rev. 22:20 The time is here…. Do not wait


Memory Verse: Revelation 22:5

“And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God given them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.


Poamoho Bible Church

July 8, 2024

12th Year Anniversary

God’s Faithfulness



God’s New Testament Church in Poamoho Camp


            Vision: Matthew 28-17-20


                        Proseuche- worship

                        Share the gospel (When was the last time you shared the salvation testimony)

                        Baptize those that have received Jesus as their person savior

                                    Testimony of obedience and witness to others

                        Teach (Hagios- set apart unto God) A life pleasing unto God


                        God’s promises: Dunamis, Never leave us, Amen (stamp of authenticity)


            Mission: Acts 2:42  Be Steadfast


                        Apostles’ Doctrine- God’s Holy Word

                        Koinonia – Fellowship

                                    Romans 15:32 Joy (thriving), refreshed (“Suna”- make beautiful music)

                        Breaking of Bread- Lord’s Supper remembrance, Discipleship- who’s your group

                                    Of “3”….

                        Worship- proseuche throughout the day, I Thess 5:17 “Worship without ceasing)



Sharing Time:


            What memories do you have of Poamoho Bible over the last 12 years?


            What Rua’s do you have of Poamoho Bible over the last 12 years?



Memory Verse: Acts 2:46


“And they continued daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.”


Poamoho Bible Church

June 30, 2024

Eschatology Timeline

Daniel 9:24-27


70 Weeks: 70 x7= 490 Years

483 Years have transpired- now living in the Gap Period


  1. Rapture of all of God’s Children (Soteriology) I Thess. 4:13-18, I Thess. 5:9


  1. Bema Seat- Judgment for all Christians (Accountability) II Cor. 5:10

Hagios (Moses) Deut. 32:50-52 , Hebrews 13:17


  1. Seven Year Tribulation: limited, Mark 13:19-20)

First 3 and ½ years- good

Last 3 and ½ years- Abomination of Desolation (Great Tribulation) Matt. 24:21

Divine Judgments- Seals, Trumpets, Vials (bowls)

Celestial Disturbances, natural disasters, plagues (Rev. 6-16)

Oppression from Satan, Anti Christ, False Prophet (Beast)

Mark of the Beast- 666

Battle of Armageddon

Jesus second coming - to destroy all of sin

Satan will be bound for 1000 Years- Rev. 20:1-3


  1. 1000 Year Reign – restore all the promises to Israel

Marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7-10)

Bridegroom (Groom)- pay a dowry (gift)God sent His son (John 3:16)

Bridegroom and groomsmen would now come for the bride (Christians) (Rapture

Feast of Supper- 1000 Year Reign, Eternal Life

            Last and final battle- Rev. 20:7-10 Satan released and doomed to Hell


  1. Great White Throne Judgement -Rev. 20:11-15Those that rejected God


  1. The New Heaven and a New Earth (Rev. 21-22)

Walled City 1500 Miles (cubed), pearly gates, streets of gold, precious stones

No more curse, nor sin, nor evil, nor sickness, not suffering, nor death, nor crying

            Tree of Life

            Light of the Lord Himself

            For ever and ever


Memory Verse: Revelation 22:5

“And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God given them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.


Pomaoho Bible Study

Systematic Theology

Summer 2024


II Tim. 3:16-17 states that God inspired about 40 godly men to write Godʻs Word to send to mankind to study is called _________________.


The Bible then starts with the study of Paterology that come from two Greek words which means “Father” and “word” and this is called ____________ ___________.


The study of GodÊ»s existence, attributes, sovereingty and so much more. (Romans 11:33). Continuing on in the triune study, we find _____________, which is the “Christ” ,”Messiah” (Isaiah 9:6) portion of the Bible. From His hypostatic union, virgin birth, and life on earth found in the gospels.


Completing the trinity is the third person that all  believers received upon salvation (Romans . 8:9). One of the main roles in this part is of conviction, comfort, and correction. This is called the study of __________________.


Somtimes an often forgotten part of the study are those “indiividuals” that are differrent that human beings, but do hold a special place in GodÊ»s universe. ___________, reveals that these individuals do worship God and also help in ministering to christians . (Hebrews 1:14)


As part of Godʻs creation, he made man in His own image (Gen. 1:27) called _____________. This study shows the entirety of mankind, from what he was created, to his depravity, and his need for a savior.


Manʻs choice for rebellion and stubborness almost shows up immediately in a perfect garden and setting. (Geneisis 2 and 3) Mankindʻs lust or ____________ is clearly seen in thier decision to disobey God and eat of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. (Gen. 3)


God is in His infinite wisdom, knowledge and goodness, was not going to allow mankind to live a live without Him (although, we are given a free will to choose). There would be an impeccale way to live by faith through the obedience , redemption, justification and sanctification of Jesus Christ at the cross of Calvary. This is called _______________.


This next instituiton called, _____________. God uses to fulfill His mission as found in Acts 2:42. To study, koinonia, disciple and worship togeter for encouragment and accountibility.


___________ is the study of the end times (Titus 2:13). From the last days here in earth to the rapture, second coming, tribulation, millienium and Great White Throne judgement.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Makua Kane Day

From Keiki to Kane



     Samuel: (I Samuel 2:26) Immediate Obedience to God and Man

     Commandment #5 Honor mom and dad

                        Honor- to fix or place value



    OT. Joseph: Faithful despite all the inequities  and injustices (Gen.  50:20)

    Ephesians 5:19-33 Prepare and train yourself to potentially to lead your household)

            Vs. 18- to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Hagios- separated unto God)

            Vs. 19- having a merry, melodious heart (FOTS-Goodness, GIGO)

            Vs. 20- Having a thankful heart

            Vs. 21- Submitting yourself unto others (Doulos- bond servant)

                        Willing to serve to make others better (Square dancers)

            Vs. 23- to the head of the household (Psalm 23)

            Vs. 25- Agapao, Agape, Phileo (I Cor. 13)

                          Give of yourself to your wife and children

            Vs. 26-28 Sanctify your wife and children

                        Iron sharpeneth Iron- Proverbs 27:17

                        Blueness of the wounds-Proverbs 20:30

                        Word fitly spoken- Proverbs 25:11

                        He that rebuketh- Proverbs 28:23

            Vs. 28-29 Again Agapao- choose daily

            Vs. 30-31- Become as ONE… In thoughts, actions,words….

                        Joined as one flesh…

       Ephesians 6:4

            Train in the nurture and admonition

                        Train- to bend back

                        Nurture-discipline, instruction, correction

                        Admonition-Counsel, wisdom, warning

            Don’t cause someone to lose “heart” (give up)


Memory Verse: I Cor. 16:13-14

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Eschatology- Signs of the End Times

Matthew 24:5-8


  1. False Prophets-

They will deceive and lead many astray

False Doctrine- Trinity, Salvation, Ecumenical, Hagios

II Cor. 6:17- “Come out from among them…”

I Peter. 2:9- Royal priesthood…”


  1. Nations will rise up against each other

Especially more and more hostilities against Israel


  1. Famines and earthquakes, and many other abnormal weather conditions

333 Million people in this world are facing some kind acute food insecurity


  1. I Tim. 4:1- Some will depart the faith

Follow demonic teachings

            Acts 16:16-18  Paul and the demonic possession


  1. II Tim. 3:1-9 Perilous Times

Lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient…

Lovers of pleasure, ungrateful

Hypocrites- appearance of godliness


TV, Internet, social media, marketing


  1. Advances toward a one world government (Rev. 13:3-4))

Rev. 13:7 One language (Tower of Babel)

Rev.- the mark of the Beast

European Union (10-30 Members)

Globalization- Gen. 11:9


  1. Nation of Israel prominence -Gen 17:8

Israel Sovereign State status- 1948 (First time since 605 BC)



Memory Verse: Revelations 22:20

“He which testified these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so come, Lord Jesus.”

Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Day of Pentecost


Beginning of the New Testament Church

50 Days after the Resurrection and 10 days after Jesus ascended into heaven-finishing His earthly ministry.


Chapter 1 and 2- Setting the scene

Jesus instructed them (120 followers) to wait in the upper room in Jerusalem

            Witnesses to each corner of the earth

            Continued in one accord

            Worship- “prosueche”

            Supplicated- to ask on behalf of others


Day of Pentecost (One accord again)- Holy Spirit descends

            Rushing mighty wind- breath of life, sustainer, comforter, guide

            Divided fire (pyro) in cloven tongues (languages)

                        Fire- represents power, refinement, purification

            All filled with the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)

                        Holy- Hagios- to be set apart unto God

                        Spirit-your choice (your breath- what you speaketh)


            Every man spoke in his original language

                        20 Major Languages today

                        Top Three- English, Chinese, Spanish

                        Acts- Aramaic, Hebrew, Chaldean, Latin/Greek

            Peter’s Sermon- the Gospel

                        Revival occurred- 3000 Saved

                                    Repent- “Metanoeo”- change thinking, turn away

                                    Baptize- Show your testimony and commitment

                        Cont: Steadfastly and in one accord, all things in common

                        Apostles doctrine (Bible), fellowship, breaking of bread (discipleship), worship

                        Lord’s does the adding and multiplying


Pentecost- One of the four spring feasts in the Jewish culture

            Passover Feast (Good Friday), Unleaven Bread (Jesus sinless life)

            First Fruits (Resurrection), Pentecost (giving of the Law-Holy Spirit)


Side note: Levitical Juxtaposition (Parallelism) OT and NT fulfilling the Law


Memory Verse: Acts 2:44

“And all that believed were together, and had all things common.”


Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother’s Day- The Virtuous Women

Proverbs 31


Virtuous Women: Several translations

             Army- would take an army to complete all these tasks in Proverbs 31

            Excellence- completes these task in powerful, efficient and nobly


Proverbs 31:10-31  (AAP)

            The worth of a good wife to her husband

                        Partners, reliable, gives a man security (comfort), proper testimony


            The manual labor she performs on a daily basis

                        Diligent, assiduous- a literal homemaker (sewing, plowing snow, etc)


            The fulfillment of responsibilities to those who need her

                        Provides food, clothing, protection


            The capacity to provide for her family

                        Educated, Business owner(real estate), swap meet owner (buying and trading)


            The wisdom in caring for herself so she can share her strength with others

                        Understands her role in the community, encourage others likewise


            18 Times the word “She” is used, 21 Times the word “her” is used, “Thou”- once


Guess who:


            ________- Altruistic (Wife of Boaz)             


 ________ and _______ unfeigned faith (II Tim)


            ________ obeyed in commandments and statutes (Luke 1)


            ________ a queen who plead on behalf of her “nation”


            ________ Promise keeper (I Sam.)


            ________ and _________ women that bickered (bad testimony) Phil. 4:2-3


Memory Verse: Proverbs 31:30b

“But a women that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised”

Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday,April 28, 2024

Eschatology: Judgment and Justification -Part 6


____  Romans 3:23 ____________                            ____ II Tim. 3:16 ________________

____ Pslam 91:11-12 __________                             ____  Acts 2:42 _________________

____ Gen. 1.1 ________________                             ____ Eph. 2:8-9 ________________

____ John 14:6 _______________                             ____ I Thess. 4:13-18 ____________

____ Ecc. 12:13 ______________                              ____ John 14:16 ________________


Gap Period (Daniel 9:24-27- Seventy Weeks), 483 Years fulfilled)

Rapture-Seven Year Tribulation (split into parts of 3.5 years each)

Last part of the tribulation- turns into pure chaos, turmoil, and confusion

            Rev. 16 False Prophet sets up a “Mark of the Beast”- 666

Judgments: Seals/Trumpets/Bowls

            God sending forth His judgment on man’s rejection and the sin that follows

            On fallen angels, the devil, anti-christ, and false prophet

Judgment- Battle of Armageddon (Mount/Hill Megiddo-60 miles north of Jerusalem)      

            Refers to the climactic future battle between God and the forces of evil

            Romans 16:12-16 6th Angel poured out his bowl of judgment

                        Dragon (Devil), Beast (Anti-Christ), Beast 2 (False Prophet)

                        Unclean spirits (frogs), demonic spirits- assembling nations for war

Justification- Victory over sin

            Rev. 19:11-20 Christ at his second coming defeats the forces of anti-christ

            White horse- rider is called faithful and true, eyes-blazing fire, with many crowns

            Robed is dipped in blood- His name is the word of God

            Mouth is a sharp sword, coming with the fury of the wrath of God

            On his robe and thigh-KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS


            Final Results (Rev. 19:14-20, Zech. 14:4, Rev. 20:1-6

Beast(anti-christ) and false prophet is captured-  into the fiery lake of burning sulfur

rest of the enemies of God were killed by the sword of the rider on the horse-Bind Satan

Justification- 1000 Year Reign(Millennium)Isaiah 2:4, 42:1, 11:6-9,32:18, Rev. 20:1-3- Order

            Last restoration covenant fulfilled by God:

                        Land Covenant- Deut. 30:1-10   All the land that was promised

                        Davidic Covenant – 2 Sam.  7 King David’s heir would rule forever

                        New Covenant – Jeremiah 31:31-34  “Earthly” King to reign

Justification- Marriage Supper of the Lamb-Rev. 19:7-10 Wedding Customs of the day

  1. Contract (with dowry to brides parents), 2. March by the groom (friends), 3.Marriage supper (last for several days) Celebration of all who are in Christ, Jesus

Judgment/Justification- Great White Throne Judgment

Memory Verse: Matthew 25:31

“When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory.”

Poamoho Bible Church

April 21, 2024

Doctrine of the Resurrection: Wrap -up

I Cor. 15


Review: Jesus leaves the following


                        Great Commission- Matthew 28: 18-20,  Acts 1:8

            Mission: New Testament Church

                        Acts 2:42- Continue steadfastly

            Eight  Resurrection Victories: over death, despair, doubt…


Today’s Message- I Corinthians 15- The power of the resurrection

            Vs 1-4: Fulfillment of the scriptures

                        Christ died, buried and rose again

            Vs. 5-10- Proof of the resurrection

                        Seen by Peter, apostles, 500 eye witnesses, and Paul

            Vs.  11-19The veracity of the resurrection

                        Some lied about having no resurrection (false witnesses)

                        Without the resurrection our faith is in vain (empty, vacuous)

                        And we will perish, miserable

            Vs 20-23 Christ the propitiator (go between)

                        Firstfruits (offering for those that passed away)

                        Hypostatic Union- to become the perfect sacrifice to give eternal life

            Vs. 24-32Resurrection power to incapacitate  (disable and destroy)

                        Eschatology- God’s eventual reign over all

                        Last enemy is death

            Vs. 33-42-Second warning of false teachings

                        Some will try and teach that Jesus resurrection was a panacea…

            Vs. 42-50 Completion cycle of the resurrection

                        Sown in corruption-raised in incorruption

                        Sown in dishonor- raised in glory

                        Sown in weakness- raised in power

                        Sown in natural body- raised in spiritual body

                        First man Adam- living soul, Last Adam (Jesus) made a quickening spirit (Eternal)

                        Earthy to Spiritual

            Vs. 51-57- Transmogrification Power of the Resurrection

                        Dead raised to incorruption and immortality

                        Death is swallowed up

                        Victory of Jesus the Christ


Memory Verse: I Cor. 15:58

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord”



Poamoho Bible Church

April 14, 2024

Doctrine of the Resurrection: Wrap -up

I Cor. 15


Review: Jesus leaves the following


                        Great Commission- Matthew 28: 18-20,  Acts 1:8

            Mission: New Testament Church

                        Acts 2:42- Continue steadfastly

            Eight  Resurrection Victories: over death, despair, doubt…


Today’s Message- I Corinthians 15- The power of the resurrection

            Vs 1-4: Fulfillment of the scriptures

                        Christ died, buried and rose again

            Vs. 5-10- Proof of the resurrection

                        Seen by Peter, apostles, 500 eye witnesses, and Paul

            Vs.  11-19The veracity of the resurrection

                        Some lied about having no resurrection (false witnesses)

                        Without the resurrection our faith is in vain (empty, vacuous)

                        And we will perish, miserable

            Vs 20-23 Christ the propitiator (go between)

                        Firstfruits (offering for those that passed away)

                        Hypostatic Union- to become the perfect sacrifice to give eternal life

            Vs. 24-32Resurrection power to incapacitate  (disable and destroy)

                        Eschatology- God’s eventual reign over all

                        Last enemy is death

            Vs. 33-42-Second warning of false teachings

                        Some will try and teach that Jesus resurrection was a panacea…

            Vs. 42-50 Completion cycle of the resurrection

                        Sown in corruption-raised in incorruption

                        Sown in dishonor- raised in glory

                        Sown in weakness- raised in power

                        Sown in natural body- raised in spiritual body

                        First man Adam- living soul, Last Adam (Jesus) made a quickening spirit (Eternal)

                        Earthy to Spiritual

            Vs. 51-57- Transmogrification Power of the Resurrection

                        Dead raised to incorruption and immortality

                        Death is swallowed up

                        Victory of Jesus the Christ


Memory Verse: I Cor. 15:58

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord”

April 7, 2024

Victory after the Resurrection


Jesus stayed for 40 days in earth and at least 8 times was seen….

            Numerology- 8 means completion plus one- A new order- each with a Victory…


  1. Mark 16:9-10 Victory over despair (Mary Magdalene mourning)

  2. Matt. 28:6-10 Victory over death

  3. Luke 24:13-32 Victory over confusion (Road to Emmaus)

  4. Luke 24:36-43 Victory over fear (Seeing the Resurrected Savior)

  5. Mark 16:14 Victory over doubt (Doubting Thomas)

  6. John 21 Victory over failure (Peter’s restoration)

  7. Matt. 28 Victory over any other power

  8. Acts 1:3-8 Victory over all things



Jesus also left us with the following with all Power (dunamis)


Vision- Matthew 28 Great Commission

            Share the gospel (Good News)

            Baptize (After salvation to show as a testimony)

            Teach (Hagios- Sanctification) Through the New Testament Church


            Acts 1 Go

            Jerusalem- Family and Friends

            Judaea- Neighbors, Co-Workers, around town

            Samaria- the “unlovely” , outcasts

            Utter most- Everywhere and forever


Seen by over 500 Witnesses

Paul reminds us of the power of the resurrection… I Cor. 15


In Ten days


Day of Pentecost (50 days after the Passover Feast, Good Friday)

This year is May 19th

Acts 2: Holy Spirit Descends and Dwells in every believer


Memory Verse: I Cor. 15:4

“And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according the scriptures.”


Resurrection Sunday

March 31, 2024


It is finished - Paid in Full


What was finished?

            John 17:4 “Accomplished the work that you gave me to do”

            Luke 19:10 “Came to seek and save the lost”

            II Cor. 5:18-19 Ministry of reconciliation

            300 Specific Messianic prophesies fulfilled

                        Suffering servant - Isaiah 53, Eph. 6:16

                        Obedient servant - Phil. 2:8d


How was it to be completed?

            Passover Lamb - without blemish or defect (I Pet. 1:19)

            Qualification - one without sin (Hebrews 4:14-16)

            To be slain and whose blood will secure an eternal redemption (Heb. 9:12)

            By his wounds, we are healed (Isaiah 53:4-5)


Who could finish this work?

            Passover Lamb, Jesus the Christ - I Cor. 5:7

            All God and All Man (hypo static union) John 10:30, John 1:14


How was it to be completed?

            Finished work of the cross at Golgotha (place of the skulls) Matt. 27:33

            Faced 7 illegal trials

Scourged, stripped, mocked (7 times) (scarlet robe, reed in his hand, ”THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Jesus, plaited a crown of thorns, spit upon, smote him with reed (branch), then to be crucified (suffer long, enduring, tortuous, and excruciating pain)


At Calvary - on the Cross

            “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani” My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me?”

            Agony in Gethsemane (Luke 22:42)


            “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit (will)” Luke 23:46


            “Tetelestai” John 19:30 (It is finished - paid in full)


            What was paid in full?

                        Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned…”

                        John 3:16 Eternal Life


Memory Verse: Matthew 28:6

“He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”


Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday


Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday (Passion Week- Phil. 2:7-8)

The Passion that Jesus willingly went to the cross in order to pay for the sins of mankind.


Palm Sunday: Zechariah 9:9(prophesied over 450 years prior) , Matt. 21:1-11

            Triumphal Entry upon a never ridden donkey with cloaks (clothing) to sit on and palms

            Laid across the road to welcome the Messiah (Anointed one) with shouts of praises

            Of Hosanna (Save us, Please deliver us)


Holy Monday: Matt. 21

            Cleansed the Temple (Den of thieves)- should be a place or worship (Proseuche)

            Cursed the fig tree- Christian need to thriving (Hagios- set apart unto Jesus)


Holy Tuesday: Matt 21

Issued challenges by the Pharisees business men/ leaders of the Synagogues and Sadducees(priests) ( Marriage in heaven, paying taxes, Source of authority)

Luke 21- widow putting in from her heart (II Cor. 9:6-8)


Spy Wednesday (Day that Judas betrayed Jesus (Matt. 26:14-16)


Maundy(Command) Thursday

            Passover Celebration and Lord’s Supper (Communion-Luke 22:19-20)

            Washed the disciple’s feet (humility) John 13:3-17

            Maundy (Command) – to love and serve one another (Phil. 2:1-11)


Good Friday-the results of this day was “Good” for all mankind

            Illegal trials, conviction, torture and death by crucifixion of Jesus the Christ

            Mock, humiliated, plaited with a crown of thorns, beaten, spat upon…

            Peter denies Jesus

“Eloi ,Eloi lama sabachthani” Mt. 27:46 “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me”

            “Tetelestai” John 19:30 It is Finished


Holy Saturday: Matt. 27:62-66

            The deceit by the Sadducees and Pharisees – securing of the tomb by guards


Memory Verse: Matthew 21:9

“And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.”


Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Happy Girls Day

Proverbs 31: The Virtuous Women


Virtuous: “chayil”- Strength, Efficiency, Wealth, Army, Excellent


Four women (girls) of the Bible


            Ruth (Friend)

                        Commitment to the Lord (Ruth 1:16)

                        Servanthood (humility) Ruth 3:9  (NT Version of Doulos)

                                    I Peter 5:5-7 God exalted Ruth for her service

                        Faithfulness (steadfastness) Ruth 2:4-13


            Esther (Star)

                        Counsel (Esther 2:15) followed good counsel -Proverbs 11:14

                        Content (Esther 2:15)- Col. 4:12 Epaphras- confident and complete

                                    She could have asked for more….

Courage- “If I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16)

            Willing to put her life on the line for others


            Lois and Eunice (Only Mentioned once)

                        “Eu”-well done, “nice” (nike)-victorious


                        Faith- II Tim. 1:5


                                    Without hypocrisy

                        Training- (of young Timothy)

                                    Proverbs 22:6 Train –

                                                Be intentional


                                                Bend back


Memory Verse: Proverbs 31:30

“Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a women that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised”


Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, Feb. 18, 2024

End Times – Eschatology Timeline

Back to the Future – Daniel 9:24-27


490 Years of prophesy was given in Daniel’s vision from the Lord

483 Years have been fulfilled - in a gap period now, next is the Rapture…


Rapture - I Thessalonians 4:13-18, I Corinthians 15:51-54

            All born-again believers will be removed from earth


Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema) II Corinthians 5:10

            For Christians to be rewarded and lose rewards based on their lives

5 Crowns:        Imperishable (meekness)

Rejoicing (chara)

Righteousness (by God’s Law)

Glory (looking forward to Christ’s return)

Life (endurance)

            Lay the crowns at Jesus feet - Revelation 5:11-14


Tribulation (7 years) Daniel 9:27, Revelation (end times judgments)

            Seven Seals – Revelation 6-17, 8:1-5

            Seven Trumpets - Revelation 8:6, 9:21, 11:15-19

            Seven Bowls/Vials - Revelation 16:1-21


(Introduced to the Unholy Trinity - Satan, Anti-Christ (Beast 1) False Prophet (Beast 2)

            Anti-Christ (Beast 1) will come into power

            Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - first four seals

  1. Anti-Christ (white horse-crown and bow) false imitator

  2. Red Horse - large sword, terrible warfare and battles

  3. Black Horse - pair of scales, great famine and increase in prices

  4. Pale Horse - rider was named “Death” - 1/4 of the world will die


            Seven seals, trumpets, and bowls judgements

Anti-Christ, plagues, earthquakes, astronomical upheavals, hail, fire, demonic locusts, death of plant life, aquatic life, 1/3 of the world killed, “blood” rivers, sun’s heat intensifies, body sores

                                    Great darkness…


Anti-Christ breaks his covenant with Israel

This is called the Abomination of Desolation – anti-Christ sets up an image of himself for those on earth to worship, also known as the Great Tribulation. Revelation 7:14 and Jeremiah 30:7





Other Terms:

            Deuteronomy 4:30 Tribulation of later days

            Matthew 24:21 Great Tribulation

                        Daniel 12:1 Time of distress

                        Zephaniah 1:15-16 “Day of the Lord”


This time will be for Judgement (Daniel 9:24-27) and Justification (Deuteronomy 4:30)


                        But it is limited- Mark 13:19-20


                        It is also a time of Israel repentance, receive Jesus as their Messiah

                        Great blessing and restoration - Zephaniah 3:9-20, Isaiah 12:35


Part 3 Coming Up


            At the end, the anti-Christ makes war against Jerusalem - Battle of Armageddon

            Jesus Christ returns and defeats the anti-Christ and his armies and cast them into the

Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:11-21)



            Satan is binded for 1,000 years in the Abyss, then starts the 1,000 year reign, Revelation 20:1-6

End of the 1,000 years. Satan is released and defeated for the last time for eternity, Revelation 20:7-10

Cast into the Lake of Fire


Great White Throne Judgement (Revelation 20:10-15)

            Unbelievers are cast also into the Lake of Fire


New Heaven and Earth are ushered in - eternal place for all believers (Revelation 21-21)

            No more sin, sorrow or death.


Memory Verse: Revelation 21:4

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; an there shall no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”


Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, Jan. 28,2024

The Lord’s Supper

I Cor. 11:16-34


Background: Jesus instituted two ordinances for the New Testament Believers:

            Baptism- Outward manifestation to an inward decision and commitment (Soteriology)

            Lord’s Supper (Communion)- New fellowship meal to commemorate the Lord’s death

                        and resurrection

            First was celebrated on the Feast of the Passover (Ex. 12 Final Plague)

            Passover- Old Testament (Passaver Angel), New Testament (Jesus’ Blood)


The Details: I Cor. 11:22-34

            Vs 23-26 Took bread- broke it as the symbol of Christ’s body

                        Took the cup (OT Wine)- Symbol of the blood

                                    Gave thanks for each one

                                    We do in remembrance of Jesus

                                    Scheduled- to be determined by each local church

                                    Show the Lord’s Death

            Vs. 27-32  Circumstances and Consequences

                        To be taken worthily

                        Unworthily- You will be held guilty and suffer damnation, condemnation


                        We are to examine ourselves: Vs 28 Test, prove

                                    Vs. 26 Proclaim the Lord’s Death -true believer

                                                Have accepted the work of the cross

                                                And believe in the Lord Jesus, the Christ as your Savior

                        We are to judge ourselves – to separate, look into, pick apart

                                    Vs. 31 Look into our lives, so that God does not have to

                                    Eph . 4:26 Take care of any sin….

                                    Matt. 5:23 An Ought

                                    Psalm 66:18-20 Regard iniquity 

                                                Sins of commission (Outwardly)

                                                Sins of Omission (those “items” that you have omitted)

                                                            Decalogue, Law of Expediency, James 4:17)


            Vs. 30 Condemnation (seriousness and gravity )

                        Weak- lacking spiritually, without backbone, continued bad decisions

                        Sick-chronic (continual) illness, sick, feeble

                        Sleep (Death)

            Vs. 33- to be done together in “Comm-Union” with the Lord

Memory Verse: I Cor. 11:26

“For as often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death

Until He come.”

Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, Jan. 7, 2024

Vision Casting Service


Acts 28

Be like the Maltan’s (Island of Melita)

Opportunity or Interruption

New Year’s Resolution (Vision and Mission)


  1. Vs. 2Be Kind (Great Kindness)

Kindled a fire

Welcomed everyone- despite the rain and cold weather


  1. Vs. 7 Chief man of the island, Publius

Received and house them…. Courteously


  1. Vs. 10 They honoured them with many honours

Laded (over abundance-plethora) with all things necessary


            Sounds like Onesiphorus: II Tim 1:16-17

            Refreshed me, not ashamed, sought me, ministered


Will you look at life’s events (God’s Sovereignty) as an opportunity and not an interruption.



            Memory Verse: Galatians 6:10

            “As we therefore have opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them

            who are of the household of faith.”


Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023

The First Advent

John 19:36


Jesus birth and earthly ministries includes over 300 prophesies and up to 500, more than 700 years earlier


Mathematician Peter Stoner counted the probability of just one person fulfilling just 48 of the prophesies found in the Old Testament (Tanakh) would be one in 10 followed by 157 Zeros)


All 324 individual prophesies to be fulfilled would be a number beyond any comprehension!


            Messianic Prophesies- The Messiah or anointed one

                        Psalm 2:2- Against the anointed one

                        Psalm 132:10- Do not turn away from the anointed one

                        Psalm 132:11 from the lineage of David (From Boaz and Ruth) (Matt. 1:5,16)


            Titles of this Messiah

                        Isaiah 42:1- a servant of the Lord (Doulos- willing to serve)

                        Numbers 24:17- Star from Judah (The Maji )

                        Isaiah 11:1 The Branch that bears much fruit

Isaiah 9:6-7, 32:1, Jeremiah 23:5, Zech. 9:9 The King who will rule in righteousness


            Linking of Scripture to Scripture

                        Isaiah 7:14 --------------- Matthew 1:18-23  Fulfillment of Jesus birth

                        Hosea 11:1--------------- Matthew 2:15        Jesus from Egypt

                        Zech. 9:9-----------------Matthew 21:1-5      Jesus Triumphal Entry

                        Psalm 34:20 ------------ John 19:31-37         Jesus Death on the Cross


            “Types” of Messianic Prophesies

                        Adam is a type of Christ- actions affected a great many of people

                        The rock that produced water- Jesus as the living water

                        The feast of the first fruits- Jesus as the first fruit from the dead (Resurrection)

                        Boaz as the type of Christ the redeemer       


            Just a few others:

                        Born in Bethlehem, preceded by a messenger, Entry on a donkey, betrayed by a

                        Friend, sold for 30 Pieces of Silver, born of a virgin, silent before his accusers,

                        Given vinegar (gall-myrrh) on the cross, no broken bones, raised from the dead


            Memory Verse: John 20:31

            “But these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.”


Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, Nov. 26, 2023

Thanksgiving Part 2

Psalm 95

                        O Come before His presence (volitionally seek-your choice)

Sing- a ringing cry

Joyful noise (2) “rua”

Thankful heart- adoration and in awe

Psalms- a song (God loves music)

Worship, bow down and kneel (Proseuche)


                                    Great  is Yahweh and Great King

                                    Our Creator

                                    He is omnipresent- depth of the earth, mountains and ocean

                                    Great shepherd

                                    Rock of our salvation

                        Warning  and admonition

                                    Do not harden your heart (Proverbs 6:16- pride-chosen life without)

                                    Do not test- “if you really are God….”

                                    Do not prove(try)- blame God for the depravity

                                                Will miss out on God’s goodness


Inculcation of God’s precepts in the formation of our great nation.

Declaration of Independence

Nature’s God ,Creator, Divine Providence


Pledge of Allegiance

Added “under God” (1954)


Supreme Court

Moses holding two tablets (Decalogue) are depicted in two areas of the Supreme Court

One on the wall directly behind the chief’s justice chair


Recitation of the Lord’s Prayer and Decalogue

1962 and 1980


“In God We Trust”

Official motto of the United States and adopted in 1956 (President Eisenhower)

Currency- since the Civil War


50 States Constitutions:

In all 50 States, God or reference to His divinity is mention in their State Constitution

Nearly 200 Times overall

God, Creator, Providence, Divine, Almighty, Lord, Christian


Nov. 19, 2023

Thanksgiving Service

Psalm 100


Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving



  1. Make joyful noise- “Rua”- give a blast or shout(Army, Marines, Sports Teams…)


  1. Serve the Lord with gladness- “simchah”- be glad


  1. Come before His presence with singing- shout with joy


  1. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with


Praise-“halal”where we get the song Hallelujah

Thankful- to throw or cast

Bless his Name- to kneel


  1. The Reasons

He is our creator

We are His people (He has chosen to give His Salvation to anyone who will receive)

We are His sheep


For He is good – quintessential, cornucopia, “Omni’s”

He is everlasting

Mercy- “Eleos”- overflowing, plethora, litany, superfluous

His truth endures to all generations- steadfast, unwavering



            God gives three areas in life….





                        Ministry (school, work, retirement, etc)



                        Local church(NT)



Memory Verse: Proverbs 17:22


            “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones”


Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, Nov. 12, 2023

End Times – Eschatology Rev. 16


Seven Year Tribulation-“Metanoeo”

English- Repent- turn completely  away from

Meta- change, noeo- thinking


            Tribulation Judgements: Seals, Trumpets, and now the Vials/Bowls


            This is will be the most severe of the Judgments


            Tribulation Objectives: Reconciliation of Israel to their God

                                                God’s wrath and punishment of the sins of mankind

                                                (Through Metanoeo- only way to salvation Acts 2:38)


            First bowl- ugly, festering sores on those that had the mark of the beast (666)

                        Rev. 7:9- tribulation saints will not be affected

            Second bowl-Oceans turn into blood as liken unto a dead person (sea life perished)


            Third bowl-Rivers and fresh water also turn into blood

                        Angels proclaim the justification of these judgment


            Fourth bowl- Scorching of the sun, seared with intense heat

                        Still the remaining inhabitants refuse to repent


            Fifth Bowl-kingdom of the beast is plunged into great darkness

                        Pain and suffering so great- people are gnawing their tongues


            Sixth bowl- River Euphrates is dried up- i preparation for the great battle (Armageddon)

                        Three uncleaned spirits (frogs like-demons) coming out of the mouths of Satan,

                        Antichrist, false prophet going out to deceive the world one last time


            Seventh Bowl- “Atmosphere”  Lightning, earthquakes so severe…..

                        Jerusalem is split into three parts, cities of the world collapse, islands are flooded,

                        Mountains disappear, giant hailstones (100 pounds)

                        Babylon the Great is fallen and destroyed- includes the revenge of the innocent

                        Setting up for the Battle of Armageddon



Memory Verse: Acts 2:38

“Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”


Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023

End Times – Timeline Eschatology

Mid Quarter Exam


            490 Years of prophesy was given in __________ vision from the Lord

            483 Years have been fulfilled- now we living in what we call the ________

Next to be fulfilled is called the __________…


At this last event In the previous (fill in the blank( as found in I Thess., what “super natural happens to the world. __________________________________________


            In II Cor. 5:10, What is this event called where all Christians will be judge and also be

            Rewarding with crowns. ___________________


            How many of these five (5) crowns can you list?







            In Daniel 9, he describes the next prophesy to be fulfilled call the Seven year _________.


            What three specific “people” are the main characters during this Time?





            What are the two main reasons for this Seven Year Period?




            What three things does God use during this complete this period?





Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023

End Times – Timeline Eschatology


            490 Years of prophesy was given in Daniel’s vision from the Lord

            483 Years have been fulfilled- in a gap period now, next is the Rapture…


            Rapture- I Thess. 4:13-18, I Cor. 15:51-54

                        All born-again believers will be removed from earth


            Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema) II Cor. 5:10

                        For Christians to be rewarded and lose rewards based on their lives

5 Crowns: Imperishable(Meekness), Rejoicing(Chara), Righteousness(by God’s Law), Glory(looking forward to Christ’s return), Life (Endurance)

                        Lay the crowns at Jesus feet- Rev. 4:4-11


            Tribulation ( 7 Years) Daniel 9:27, Revelation (End times judgments)

                        Rev. 5 “Who is worthy to open the seals?”


                        Seven Seals- Rev. 6-17, 8:1-5  (Lamb or Jesus)

                        Seven Trumpets- Rev. 8:6-9:21, 11:15-19  (Angels)

                        Seven Bowls/Vials- Rev. 16:1-21 (Angels)


                        Anti-Christ(Beast 1) will come into power


                        Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse- first four seals

  1. Anti-Christ (White Horse-crown and bow) False imitator

  2. Red Horse- large sword, terrible warfare and battles

  3. Black Horse-pair of scales, great famine and increase in prices

  4. Pale Horse-rider was named “Death”-1/4 of the world will die


                        Seven seals, trumpets, and bowls judgements

                                    Anti-Christ, plagues, earthquakes, astronomical upheavals,

                                    Hail, fire, demonic locusts, death of plant life, aquatic life, 1/3

                                    Of the world killed, “blood” rivers, sun’s heat intensifies, body sores

                                    Great darkness…


                        Halfway through- Anti Christ breaks his covenant with Israel

                        This is called the Abomination of Desolation- he sets up an image of

                        Himself for those on earth to worshipped (also known as the Great Tribulation

                        Revelation 7:14 and Jeremiah 30:7


                        At the end, the Anti-Christ makes war against Jerusalem- Battle of Armageddon

                        Jesus Christ returns and defeats the Anti-Christ and his armies and cast them into

                        The Lake of Fire (Rev. 19:11-21


                        TBD- To be continued


Memory Verse:Rev. 21:4

            “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; an there shall no more death, neither

            Sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed



Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, Oct. 22, 2023

End Times – Timeline Eschatology


            490 Years of prophesy was given in Daniel’s vision from the Lord

            483 Years have been fulfilled- in a gap period now, next is the Rapture…


            Rapture- I Thess. 4:13-18, I Cor. 15:51-54

                        All born-again believers will be removed from earth


            Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema) II Cor. 5:10

                        For Christians to be rewarded and lose rewards based on their lives

5 Crowns: Imperishable(Meekness), Rejoicing(Chara), Righteousness(by God’s Law), Glory(looking forward to Christ’s return), Life (Endurance)


            Tribulation ( 7 Years) Daniel 9:27, Rev.

                        Anti-Christ(Beast 1) will come into power

                        Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse- first four seals

  1. Anti-Christ (White Horse-crown and bow) False imitator

  2. Red Horse- large sword, terrible warfare and battles

  3. Black Horse-pair of scales, great famine and increase in prices

  4. Pale Horse-rider was named “Death”-1/4 of the world will die


                        Seven seals, trumpets, and bowls judgements

                                    Anti-Christ, plagues, earthquakes, astronomical upheavals,

                                    Hail, fire, demonic locusts, death of plant life, aquatic life, 1/3

                                    Of the world killed, “blood” rivers, sun’s heat intensifies, body sores

                                    Great darkness…


                        Halfway through- Anti Christ breaks his covenant with Israel

                        This is called the Abomination of Desolation- he sets up an image of

                        Himself for those on earth to worshipped (also known as the Great Tribulation

                        Revelation 7:14 and Jeremiah 30:7


                        At the end, the Anti-Christ makes war against Jerusalem- Battle of Armageddon

                        Jesus Christ returns and defeats the Anti-Christ and his armies and cast them into

                        The Lake of Fire (Rev. 19:11-21

Poamoho Bible Church

Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023

The First Advent

John 19:36


Jesus birth and earthly ministries includes over 300 prophesies and up to 500, more than 700 years earlier


Mathematician Peter Stoner counted the probability of just one person fulfilling just 48 of the prophesies found in the Old Testament (Tanakh) would be one in 10 followed by 157 Zeros)


All 324 individual prophesies to be fulfilled would be a number beyond any comprehension!


            Messianic Prophesies- The Messiah or anointed one

                        Psalm 2:2- Against the anointed one

                        Psalm 132:10- Do not turn away from the anointed one

                        Psalm 132:11 from the lineage of David (From Boaz and Ruth) (Matt. 1:5,16)


            Titles of this Messiah

                        Isaiah 42:1- a servant of the Lord (Doulos- willing to serve)

                        Numbers 24:17- Star from Judah (The Maji )

                        Isaiah 11:1 The Branch that bears much fruit

Isaiah 9:6-7, 32:1, Jeremiah 23:5, Zech. 9:9 The King who will rule in righteousness


            Linking of Scripture to Scripture

                        Isaiah 7:14 --------------- Matthew 1:18-23  Fulfillment of Jesus birth

                        Hosea 11:1--------------- Matthew 2:15        Jesus from Egypt

                        Zech. 9:9-----------------Matthew 21:1-5      Jesus Triumphal Entry

                        Psalm 34:20 ------------ John 19:31-37         Jesus Death on the Cross


            “Types” of Messianic Prophesies

                        Adam is a type of Christ- actions affected a great many of people

                        The rock that produced water- Jesus as the living water

                        The feast of the first fruits- Jesus as the first fruit from the dead (Resurrection)

                        Boaz as the type of Christ the redeemer       


            Just a few others:

                        Born in Bethlehem, preceded by a messenger, Entry on a donkey, betrayed by a

                        Friend, sold for 30 Pieces of Silver, born of a virgin, silent before his accusers,

                        Given vinegar (gall-myrrh) on the cross, no broken bones, raised from the dead


            Memory Verse: John 20:31

            “But these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.”




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Nui Avenue

Wahiawa, HI 96786


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